Miestas : London Pranešimų skaičius : 127 Reputacijos : 1 Join date : 2014-04-05
Temos pavadinimas: Like dreaming of angels Sk. 04 06, 2014 1:39 am
Light reflects from your shadow It is more than I thought could exist You move through the room Like breathing was easy If someone believed me They would be As in love with you as I am They would be In love And everyday I'm learning about you The things that no one else sees And the end comes too soon Like dreaming of angels And leaving without them--------------------------------
Medea - nusiritusi striptizo šokėja su sunkia praeitimi. alkoholis, narkotikai, klubo savininkas gal net suteneris ir Michelangelo vieną vakarą klube dėmesį patraukia Medea, jie kažkaip susibendrauja ir vaikinas nori padėti jai išbristi iš viso šūdo.